Successful Case Results

Successful DUI / DWI Case Results




Featured Case

FULL ACQUITTAL ON 1st DEGREE MURDER JURY TRIAL!!! On October 30, 2024, Neil Law was able to obtain a favorable outcome for Vincent Patrick who was charged with 1st Degree Murder and a host of other offenses out of Salem County. After a month-long jury trial, Attorney Durann Neil was able to obtain a full acquittal of all of the offenses after a Jury delivered a NOT GUILTY verdict on all counts.




Featured Case

CLIENT RELEASED ON 2ND DEGREE GUN!!!! On July 25, 2023, Neil Law was able to obtain a favorable outcome for a client charged with 2nd Degree Unlawful Possession of a Weapon and other offenses. After brief negotiations and proving that there were conditions that could ensure his client was not a danger to the community, the Judge agreed to release his client.




Featured Case

FAVORABLE JURY VERDICT/ATTEMPTED MURDER DISMISSED!!!! On July 21, 2023, Neil Law was able to obtain a favorable outcome for a client charged with 1st Degree Attempted Murder and a host of other offenses. After a lengthy month long trial, Attorney Durann Neil was able to get a NOT GUILTY verdict on the 1st Degree Attempted Murder and Aggravated Assault offenses.




Featured Case

DUI DISMISSED!!!! On May 1, 2023, Neil Law was able to obtain a favorable outcome for a client who was charged with a DUI and a host of other charges. After brief negotiations, Attorneys Durann Neil and Brittany Gardner were able to obtain a full dismissal of the DUI saving their client from losing his license.




Featured Case

CLIENT RELEASED ON GUN!!!! On July 5, 2023, Neil Law was able to obtain a favorable outcome for a client charged with 17 charges including 2nd Degree Unlawful Possession of a Weapon, 2nd Degree Eluding amongst other charges. After extensive arguments, Attorney Durann Neil was able to obtain the release of his client after convincing the Judge that his client was not a danger to the community.




Featured Case

FULL DUI AND REFUSAL DISMISSAL ON DAY OF TRIAL!!! On June 7, 2023, Neil Law was able to obtain a favorable outcome for a client who was charged with a DUI and a Refusal. On the day of the trial, Attorney Durann Neil was able to successfully negotiate a full dismissal of both charges allowing his client to avoid the mandatory one year loss of license. This dismissal allows for his client to maintain his career.




Featured Case

1ST DEGREE ROBBERY DISMISSED!!!! On June 29, 2023 Neil Law was able to obtain a favorable outcome for a client charged with 1st Degree Robbery, 2nd Degree Aggravated Assault and a host of other offenses. After proving to the state that his client did not commit the Robbery nor was the evidence sufficient to prove force was used, Attorney Durann Neil was able to obtain a probationary offer for his client. The client was also able to receive probation on his 3 other active Indictments.





Featured Case

SHOOTING COMPLETELY DISMISSED/CLIENT RELEASED!!! On June 20, 2023, Neil Law was able to obtain a favorable outcome for a client who was charged with 2nd Degree Aggravated Assault, 2nd Degree Unlawful Possession of a Weapon and a host of other offenses. Although the alleged victim indicated the client was the one who shot him, Attorney Durann Neil was able to obtain a complete dismissal after evidence showed the alleged victim was trying to extort the codefendant.




Featured Case

1ST DEGREE ATTEMPTED MURDER AND GUN DISMISSED!!! On June 13, 2023, Neil Law was able to obtain a favorable outcome for a client who was charged with 1st Degree Attempted Murder, 2nd Degree Certain Persons Not To Possess a Gun and a host of other offenses. Although the client was initially offered 15 years in prison due to the Attempted Murder being caught on camera, the client pled to a 5 year flat sentence due to the many challenges presented to the state. The client is eligible for parole immediately!!!!




Featured Case

SUPPRESSION MOTION WON!!!! On February 3, 2023, Attorney Durann Neil was able to obtain a favorable outcome for a client who was charged with 3 Separate Shootings based upon his interrogation. After arguing a Suppression Motion, Attorney Durann Neil was able to convince the Judge that his client invoked his right to have an attorney, thus his statement should be suppressed. The Judge agreed and now all THREE of the cases are in danger of being dismissed as Attorney Durann Neil will file Motions to Dismiss the Cases.




Featured Case

DUI DISMISSED AT TRIAL!!! On May 3, 2023, Neil Law was able to obtain a favorable outcome for a client who was charged with a DUI and a host of other charges. After the matter was scheduled for trial, Attorney Durann Neil was able to obtain a dismissal of the DUI, avoiding the client potentially going to jail.




Featured Case

FULL DUI AND REFUSAL DISMISSAL ON DAY OF TRIAL!!! On June 7, 2023, Neil Law was able to obtain a favorable outcome for a client who was charged with a DUI and a Refusal. On the day of the trial, Attorney Durann Neil was able to successfully negotiate a full dismissal of both charges allowing his client to avoid the mandatory one year loss of license. This dismissal allows for his client to maintain his career..




Featured Case

CLIENT RELEASED ON 1ST DEGREE ROBBERY!!! On May 19, 2023, Neil Law was able to obtain a favorable outcome for a client who was charged with a 1st Degree Robbery, 2nd degree Aggravated Assault and a host of other offenses. Although the client was initially offered 25 years in state prison, Attorney Durann Neil was able to obtain the release of his client after obtaining reciprocal discovery that proved his client's innocence.




Featured Case

November 16, 2022, Attorney Durann Neil was able to obtain a favorable outcome for a client who was charged with 1st Degree Murder and a host of other charges.  After being charged with a cold case murder as a result of being caught with the murder weapon, Attorney Durann Neil was able to obtain a full dismissal of the case after filing several motions challenging the state's case.




Featured Case

CLIENT RELEASED ON MURDER OFFENSE!!!! On October 27, 2022, Neil Law obtained an excellent outcome for a client charged with 1st Degree Murder and a host of other offenses after being accused of committing a murder in 2013. As a result of Attorney Durann Neil litigating and challenging the states evidence, the client was released and able to fight the charges on the street.




Featured Case

TWO COUNTS OF ATTEMPTED MURDER DISMISSED!!! On September 28, 2022, Neil Law obtained an excellent outcome for a client charged with two counts of 1st degree Attempted Murder and two counts of 2nd Degree Unlawful Possession of a weapon. After fighting the case for more than two years, Attorney Durann Neil was able to obtain a dismissal of all of the charges except for a 4th degree Illegal Transport of a firearm. Attorney Durann Neil was able to prove that his client did not shoot any weapon nor did he possess any weapon. The successful outcome only calls for a probationary sentence.




Featured Case

CLIENT RELEASED ON ATTEMPTED MURDER!!!  On September 12,  Neil Law obtained a favorable result for a client who was charged with 1st Degree Attempted Murder and a host of other charges. After his client was waived up to Adult court, Attorney Durann Neil was able to obtain the release of his client after arguing that his client was not the alleged shooter nor did he have a gun.




Featured Case

1st DEGREE MURDER DISMISSED/LIFE SENTENCE AVOIDED!!!  On August 25, 2022,  Neil Law obtained a favorable result for a client who was charged with 1st degree Murder and a host of other offenses. After initially being offered a life sentence, attorney Durann Neil was was able to obtain a plea agreement that will allow for his client’s prison sentence to be reduced dramatically, allowing him to be released in his early 30’s.




Featured Case

MOTION WON!! On September 22, 2022, Neil Law obtained an excellent outcome for a client charged with 2nd degree Aggravated Assault and a host of other charges. After the client received new Assault charges, the Prosecutor filed a motion to detain the client. After the arguments Attorney Durann Neil was able to convince the Judge to rule against the prosecutor allow his client to remain at his liberty.




Featured Case

1st DEGREE CDS DISTRIBUTION DISMISSED!!!  On August 25, 2022,  Neil Law obtained a favorable result for a client who was charged with 1st degree Distribution of CDS and a host of other offense after being caught with over 23oz of cocaine, 50 bricks of Fentanyl, and 3oz of Meth. Although he was initially offered more than 10 years in prison, Attorney Durann Neil along with co-counsel Dave Bahuriak, was able to obtain a 5 year flat sentence after filing a suppression motion and convincing the prosecutor that it was likely that the client would win.




Featured Case

Neil Law obtained an excellent result for a client charged with 2 counts of Attempted Murder. After a lengthy detention hearing, Neil Law convinced the Judge to release his client and let him fight the charges from home. 




Featured Case

CLIENT RELEASED/LIFE SENTENCED BEAT!!! On April 22, 2021,  Neil Law obtained a favorable result for a client who was charged in a large investigation led by the DEA. After years of fighting and his client facing a LIFE sentence for being the alleged leader of a drug organization, Attorney Durann Neil was able to convince the state to offer his client a 3 year sentence. As a result of his client having 22 months jail credits, his client was released. 




Featured Case

CLIENT RELEASED ON ATTEMPTED MURDER !!! On April 26, 2021,  Neil Law obtained a favorable result for a client charged with Attempted Murder and Accessory to commit murder. Attorney Durann Neil along with Co-Counsel John Stein convinced the state and Judge to release their client after providing reciprocal discovery and intense negotiations on the eve of the detention hearing.




Featured Case

MURDER DISMISSED!!!  Neil Law obtained an excellent result for a client charged with 2 counts of Murder and a host of other offenses. After 10 months of arguments and challenging the state’s proofs, the attorney obtained a dismissal of all of the charges against their client, allowing him to be released from the jail.  




Featured Case

$240,000 SETTLEMENT AWARDED IN A PERSONAL INJURY CASE!!! On November 22, 2021, Neil Law Attorney’s Durann Neil and John Stein obtained a favorable result for a client who was hurt in a car accident. After two years of attacking the case, Neil Law’s client was awarded $240,000 for his damages.




Featured Case

MAJOR MOTION VICTORY IN MURDER CASE!!! On May 26, 2022,  Neil Law obtained a favorable result for a client who was charged with 1st degree Murder. After more than a year fighting the case, Attorney Durann Neil and Attorney Meg Hoerner won a major victory for their clients. The Judge rules that the detective cannot narrate the videos that are to be played at trial which critically hurt the state’s case.




Featured Case

CLIENT RELEASED ON MURDER!!! Neil Law  obtained an excellent outcome for a client who was charged with 1st degree Murder. After aggressively pursuing trial and forcing the prosecutor to admit they were not ready to go to trial, Attorney Durann Neil was able to obtain the release of his client although he is the sole individual charged with 1st degree murder.




Featured Case

ATTEMPTED MURDER DISMISSED/CLIENT RELEASED!!!! On March 3, 2022, Neil Law obtained an excellent outcome for a client who was charged with 1st Degree Attempted Murder, 2nd degree Aggravated Assault and other weapon offenses.  After fighting the case for 11 months and on the eve of trial, Attorney Durann Neil was able to obtain a 3 year prison sentence avoiding the potential life sentence. The client was also released and received 90 days on the street.




Featured Case

MOTION WON!!! On December 14, 2021,  Neil Law obtained a favorable result for a client where the prosecutor filed a motion to revoke his release after catching a second gun case. After an hour of arguments, Attorney Durann Neil was able to convince the Judge that his client should remain at his liberty because of the lack of evidence in the 2nd case.




Featured Case

SUPPRESSION MOTION WON!!!  On May 9, 2022,  Neil Law obtained a favorable result for a client who was charged with 2nd degree Unlawful Possession of a Weapon. After challenging the traffic stop due to the lack of probable cause and unlawful extension of the stop, Attorney Durann Neil was able to obtain a full dismissal of the gun offense saving his client from a 5-year prison sentence.




Featured Case

SUPPRESSION MOTION WON!!! On April 13, 2022, Neil Law obtained an excellent outcome for a client who was charged with 2nd Degree Unlawful Possession of a Handgun after a traffic stop. After filing a motion challenging the legality of the stop, Attorney Durann Neil convinced the court to suppress the gun which ultimately lead to a dismissal of the case. Subsequently the court agreed with Attorney Durann Neil that the cop’s decision to pull the client over was unreasonable thus illegal.




Featured Case

MOTION WON!!!! On March 11, 2022, Neil Law obtained an excellent outcome for a client who was charged with Several charges including 2nd degree Assault. After briefing the relevant legal issues, Attorney Durann Neil was able to make the state concede which will bar information from the trial. This victory was a devastating blow to the States case and allows for an easier path for the client’s exoneration.




Featured Case

MOTION WON!!!! On March 8, 2022, Neil Law obtained an excellent outcome for a client who was charged with Several 2nd and 3rd degree Violent offenses. After listing the matter for trial, Attorney Durann Neil filed a motion to sever counts on the Indictment and the Judge agreed following Mr. Neil’s brief. This favorable outcome will prevent the prosecutor from admitting certain evidence during the trial devastating their case.




Featured Case

SUPPRESSION MOTION WON!!! On November 15, 2021,  Attorneys Rob Johnson, Tom Rossell and Durann Neil obtained a favorable result for clients who were originally charged with 2nd degree degree Unlawful Possession of a weapon (Handgun) and 3rd degree CDS offenses. As a result of the win, the clients are eligible to be released after spending more then 13 months in the county jail.




Featured Case

1st DEGREE ATTEMPTED MURDER DISMISSED!!! On November 19, 2021,  Neil Law obtained a favorable result for a client charged with 1st degree Attempted Murder and several other 1st degree offenses. After more than 18 months fighting the case, Attorney Durann Neil was able to obtain a full dismissal of the charges against his client after proving that his client was innocent. As a result Mr. Neil’s client was released from the county jail.




Featured Case

VEHICULAR MANSLAUGHTER BEAT!!! On June 13, 2022,  Neil Law obtained a favorable result for a client who was charged with Vehicular Manslaughter. After more than 18 months fighting the case, Attorney Durann Neil was able to compel his client into drug court although he was denied initially. After filing several motions and convincing the court that his client was eligible, Attorney Durann Neil convinced the Judge that he was correct, and his client pled into drug court today avoiding the mandatory lengthy prison sentence.




Featured Case

1st DEGREE ROBBERY DISMISSED/CLIENT RELEASED!!!  On July 11, 2022,  Neil Law obtained a favorable result for a client who was charged with 1st Degree Robbery and a host of other offenses. After fighting the case for more than a year, Attorney Durann Neil was able to obtain a dismissal of the 1st Degree Robbery and a time served sentence. This favorable plea allowed this client to be released from the county jail today with only probation.




Featured Case

ATTEMPTED MURDER DISMISSED!!!  On June 20, 2022,  Neil Law obtained a favorable result for a client who was charged with 1st degree Attempted Murder on one indictment and 2nd degree Certain Persons not to Possess a Weapon and and host of other 2nd and 3rd degree offenses. After his client was offered more then 10 years consecutive to a 5 year sentence, Attorney Durann Neil was able to obtain a complete dismissal of the Attempted Murder and his client received 5 years making him eligible for release in only 3 years. 




Featured Case

1st DEGREE ROBBERY DISMISSED!!! On June 20, 2022,  Neil Law obtained a favorable result for a client charged with 1st degree Robbery, 2nd degree Unlawful Possession of a weapon and other 2nd degree offenses.  After fighting the case for more than 9 months, Attorney Durann Neil was able to obtain a 7 must serve 3.5 years avoiding the initial 20 year prison offer. This favorable outcome is to run concurrent with his 5 nera plea agreement in another county.


Results From: 12/21/23 to 4/29/24

Results From: 7/25/23 to 12/19/23

Results From: 1/24/23 to 7/25/23

Results From: 12/14/21 to 1/20/23

Results From: 3/3/ 21 to 12/7/21

Results From: 4/11/19 to 8/24/21

Results From: 11/27/17 to 4/5/19